Home Life Wicked Whirl(wind) of Good News

Wicked Whirl(wind) of Good News

by dimensionaltales

Final Fantasy XIII. Final Mark, Vercingetorix. Why am I saying this dreadfully powerful monster from Final Fantasy XIII? Because has one of the most powerful moves in the game, Wicked Whirl, and it’s the best way to describe my week. I mean it, seriously, it was a drastic one.

First and foremost, I managed to finish the last hero story “A Gift to Humanity in a matter of eight hours – a personal best. It’s pretty cool, too. With Spotify running on my PS4, a nice cup of coffee and a worry-free mind (to a certain extent), I can make a spectacular amount of progress on any project. And, as a bonus, I got pretty familiar with a nifty program/service called Grammarly that assist with my very mediocre grammar talent. Later on, this week, I’m going to be working on the first story for the villain side for this installment. And THAT’S when things stir crazy.

I got a call from numerous people with numerous job offer in a matter of two days and ended up narrowing them down to two. One of them came from someone from a newly opened Ashley’s HomeStore via Insight Global, a company that reached out to me which was something I never expected. The other one came from Turkey Hill, a place I never knew existed. Both of them offered me full-time positions and both of them made to milk out the rest of money because BOTH of them gave the most rapid series of interviews I’ve ever been apart.

For three days, I’ve been ubering, traveling and interviewing with these two companies – both of which went extremely well. The only problem, now, is that I know both jobs are going to call me back with offers and I don’t know which one I’m going to take. More than likely, it might be Ashley’s HomeStore since it’s salary plus commission. It’ll make funding my writing career a little easier.

Now, it’s time for me to start my day, need to get a jump on the second half of this book. Please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2018.

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