Home Life Gale Winds Towards Deserving Souls

Gale Winds Towards Deserving Souls

by dimensionaltales

While waiting for my background check to through on two jobs (which, let’s face it, I got the job), I got great news from my buddies at Bowlcut Studios. For four months, I have watched them advertise and promote their debut game MageQuit at various conventions garnering positive to rave “critical” acclaim from first time players.

Because of this, they were finally awarded a potential publisher and a wider variety of contacts including one for the Nintendo Switch and some high profile YouTubers thus generating EVEN MORE publicity for there. They, even, connect with people from Devolver, Multiplay (acquired by Unity, needed for online matchmaking), NetEase and Versus Evil and that’s just a small list of accomplishments. I mean, seriously, when the full game is finally released, I’m predicting a beautiful future for this company and will be disappointed if it doesn’t get some more awards.

And the boys aren’t done yet, they plan to go on tour with MageQuit for the final stretch of their marketing campaign which I think is a fantastic idea. I mean there really isn’t no such thing as too much publicity for an indie game. Especially since, they are so many AAA titles that are garnering plenty publicity – some undeserving.

So proud of my friends at Bowlcut Studio and, as always, the information about the game – as well as the links – below:


“MageQuit is a wizard-brawling arena game where up to 10 players use spells and physics to do battle. As a wizard, you are granted a staff with a glowing D20, giving you unique elemental abilities. With every kill, your neckbeard and fame grow. Will you end up as Merlin, or be forever cursed with peach fuzz?”

The game is only available on Steam, right now, but it will be released for console later on in its development period. They told me that the game is still, technically, not done.

As for me, I got done with story #5, Cries of the Innocence. This short story is the first one for the villain side of Volume 2, which is exploring the age-old case of duality (good v. evil), and it took me two days to complete. Why? Because I was REALLY into the Dissidia NT Demo and it soaked up A LOT of my time. Haha. So, the next day, I took all day to finish the story BEFORE playing video games. Yeah, as I said before, it’s a process and I’m growing.

Another patch of good news is that my copyright certificate finally became visible – and physical – to me and the public. Just have to make a trip to Philadelphia and pick it up so I can put it in my “Writer’s Binder” (yes, I call it that.) This will now allow others, ideally a buddy of mine in Production, to provide with the sci-fi television…the moment he can find the right people.

Now, it’s time for me to start my day, need to get a jump on the second half of this book. Please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2018.

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