Home Announcement Two New Challenges To Explore

Two New Challenges To Explore

by dimensionaltales

So, starting Thursday, I’m going to be reviewing books that I’ve read and games that I have played. Why? Because I’m apart of two separate challenges that involve my participation, so I might as well keep you up-to-date with my progress. Both challenges are so much fun to be apart of and I implore you to take advantage of it when you get the chance.

The reading challenge is hosted by Goodreads and it’s pretty simple: set a goal for the year and read until you meet that goal. Completed the challenge last year by reading 40 books so I want to replicate that achievement. Plus, I want to expand my library along with trim it down with the books I got from Bookbub.com (which is A LOT!!!).

As for the gaming challenge (or as my fellow competitors would call it, Gamer’s Challenge), it’s another simple approach: beat a game and document it for everybody to see. One of the funny things about it is my friends and I are going a team battle so I’m leading a team of gamers to take down another team via a point system. We even have a document to keep track of everybody’s progress; I also have a document to keep track of my progress – both past and present.

Here’s the thing, though. This section of the blog isn’t going to be as consistent as my primary section, which is updated every Friday. Instead, it’s only to be updated when I complete a book or a game. From there, I will be discussing what I liked and disliked about it combined with a general census of the product. Plus, I already have two games that I’m going to review so this is going to be fun.

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