Home Announcement Adiós 2023…Hola 2024

Adiós 2023…Hola 2024

by dimensionaltales

Thank you so much to everybody who has read my blog over the years. 2023 has been a transformative year for me and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for me in 2024.

First and foremost, I’m finally going to be able to release the Arabic version of my Sinful Tales of Wicked Vile Delights. This also means that I need a new banner for my Twitter Page. Still, I have more milestones to obtain.

I want to finish my Master’s this year while saving for Spain. I want to ensure I am ready to teach Creative Writing to European high school and university students when I’m done with China.

I also want to finish the script of my friends’ comic series that we are going to star in. We are pretty excited about that. I already have a six-part arc planned that my friends are beyond impressed; they’re also not surprised at all.

Finally, while I’m in China, I want to get Act 1 and part of Act 2 of my LGBTQ+ Crimeverse done. I’ve realized that I want to take advantage of the LGBTQ+ conventions and book clubs to market and advertise them properly.

Oh! I still have to makeover my website to accommodate the growing trend of book trailers and teasers. I’m still researching great minds in videography and photography to bring them to life as well as a YouTube page. Oh, yeah, 2024 is going to be a good year for me. I hope it will be for all of you, too. Happy New Year!!

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