Home Announcement Goodbye 2022…Hello 2023

Goodbye 2022…Hello 2023

by dimensionaltales

Allow me to extend my appreciation to everybody who has been reading my blog posts over the years, especially in 2022. I feel myself getting better on my path. NOW! I want to share what I want to explore for 2023.

First and foremost, I want to finally release the book from my Sinful Delight Project. If everything goes according to plan, the English version along with its translated print (Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese and Chinese) will be released to the public at the same time – on the same day. This is going to be great for you and me because I get to recreate Dorian Gray in a completely new way. I am very proud of what I am doing and the brilliant minds I am working with to expand my version of him. Fair warning, you going to be seeing him a lot.

Patreon is off the table for the foreseeable future. YouTube, too. I figured that I would want to get my MA, first, and use my newfound knowledge and improved skillset to teach online and, if I’m blessed, at university. Exclusive Creative Writing teaching is pretty far in the future, like 2026-27. Right now, I want to get my degree while being the best ELA teacher I can be.

I would like to start writing fan fiction and short stories for literary magazines. However, that would require a month of me picking topics from my journal and writing them all out. Then, I would need another few months to edit and revise them all before submitting them. Not to say that I can’t – or won’t – do it; I just need to be able to space my time out accordingly so I don’t overwork myself. Don’t want to go through another “fatigue snap”.

And, let’s not forget my debut novel for my LGBTQ+ Crimeverse should be coming out this year. I’m aiming for a PRIDE release, so there’s that. I’m working really hard on it and I’m enjoying using my Philadelphian style of storytelling. I really hope everybody likes it.

Oh! And I might have to do another makeover on my website to accommodate the growing trend of book trailers and teasers. I’m going to be having a lot of fun with that because I’ve always been a good fan of American Horror Story teasers for each season. Now, I get to work some with some great minds in videography and photography to bring them to life. I should make a YouTube Channel for that, but I haven’t decided, yet. It’s tricky for me because I have to remind myself to check my social media every so often. It’s hard. Haha!

Yep, 2023 is going to be a lot of fun and I hope you all enjoy this new year. Happy New Year!!!

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