Home Life Planning For the Next Big Trip

Planning For the Next Big Trip

by dimensionaltales

I am completely drained in the membrane. have spent the last month going into overdrive with all the teaching duties because of a recent change in the school schedule. Simply put, we got “Uh oh” news and “Oh!” news.

First, the “Uh oh” news. We had a meeting where we ended up learning that our summer semester got cut short by a week because of a domino effect that I still can’t seem to understand. Nevertheless, I, along with other Calvert teachers, had to move at a much quicker pace to finish as much as we could so that the last week would be the Final Exam. My students instantly picked up on it as they were already familiar with my normal speed of teaching. They asked me about it and, of course, I was honest with them and, of course, they got into gear and started to finish their work.

“Final exam and, then, Chinese New Year.”

Oh, that leads me to the “Ah!” news. China finally lifted the travel ban – allegedly. It’s the government so none of us fully trust the new notice all that much. So, my boss volunteered himself to be the guinea pig since he wants to visit his fiancee in Hungary. If it turns out fine, I will be preparing myself to go to Spain to finally do some sightseeing. Well…here’s hoping.

Now, please don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (TwitterFacebookInstagram, and Goodreads) on my web page’s right side. Also, I love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2022. I’ve already completed this year’s reading goal, but I’m not stopping. Right now, I’m at 214.

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