Home Life Time is Slowing…Slowing…Sloooowwwing…

Time is Slowing…Slowing…Sloooowwwing…

by dimensionaltales

I still always have a lot of work to do in my three main worlds: grad school, teacher, and author. This is the norm for me – my comfort zone.  Still, life is slowing down for me. It happens now and again, and I handle myself accordingly. How? I accept and appreciate it.

Right now, I’m teaching two classes on the same writing prompt (research paper) where they get to choose their topic. It’s the same lesson, so I have been on auto-pilot for the last two weeks. The only thing I’m doing at this point is checking in on their research and writing occasionally. Again, I’m grateful for the moment to breathe,  because I am going to take a lot of time to look over everything.

Next is my grad school. I’m halfway through my Linguistic class with the final paper finished. Now, I’m just waiting for the professor to check my rough draft which isn’t happening until around Week 7 or 8. So, the only things I’m doing now are discussions and reading. Once again, I’m loving this moment of reprise.

Finally is my writing. The rewriting for my first novel of my LGBTQ Crimeverse is halfway done and well ahead of schedule. I predict being done with the rewrites during the second half of this month. After I have to edit another LGBTQ book for this summer’s release…or I’m thinking about it, at least. No, I’m definitely editing that story next, but I don’t know if I’m releasing it on this year’s PRIDE.

Yep! This slow motion is going to feel so good…

Please don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (TwitterFacebookInstagram, and Goodreads) on my web page’s right side. Also, I love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and Fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2024. For this year, my goal is 150, and I’m already at 61 (41%). Given that I’m in school and teaching English, I will blast through this challenge.

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