Home Life Sacrifice and Contribution Are Two Different Things

Sacrifice and Contribution Are Two Different Things

by dimensionaltales


-Bedman, Guilty Gear franchise

It’s amazing how many ziggers I have amassed over my years as a gaymer. Using quotes from various fighting, RPG and various other video games, I’ve been able to cut down my annoyers with little to no ease. My favorite target is my colleague at my current job that I spoke about last week. He has not let up in flaunting his status as “The Golden Boy” in a condescending way…

Even worst, he wouldn’t stop interjecting himself into other people sales. Again, because of my lack of experience in sales, the arrogant wanker wouldn’t leave me alone leading to me to verbally rip him to shreds with a quote from Bedman. Apparently, he reported me but I didn’t get reprimand…thank God!!! Instead, after learning about what the future holds for me in July (I’ll tell you about that, later), he complied with my wish of not working with the insufferable twat.

My Audible project is going pretty lovely. I’m not done with all the outlines as I wanted to make each story vastly different from the last. Of course, I want to make sure that this virtual Writer’s House that my friends and I to be a focal point for indie writers, voice actors and such. Because of this endgame, I want to make sure that I do this right and take my time. Luckily, it’s the internet so I don’t have to worry about speeding this up. The only thing I really have to keep my ears to the ground and make sure the house’s content is fresh, relatable and captivating.

Finally, I’m almost done with the plotting and planning for the first book of my crime series. I mean, like, really almost done as I’m taking all the points on the flowchart and forming chapters out of them all. The goal is ten chapters that will be formatted by the way of episodes and scenes. This book series will be following the theme: “Go ahead and digger yourself a deeper hole.”

Now, please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2019.

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Liars, Plotters, and Thieves…oh my – Dimensional Author's Realm 2019-02-23 - 16:09

[…] working alone after the incident revolving my colleague that I explained in a previous post (click here and here to learn more). Now, as I was assisting a medley of customers, I didn’t realize that […]


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