Home Life Time Marches On…I Think I Might Need A New Job

Time Marches On…I Think I Might Need A New Job

by dimensionaltales

You know what the worst thing about trying to get so much accomplished in such a small amount of time: not enough time to read a good book. But I do have an alternative for the time being…Audible, a delightful service from Amazon that sells audiobooks. Been abusing the hell out this service and got through over thirty audiobooks within the course of two months and planning on listening to more. But that’s not the only thing I’m intrigued about…

Looking for a new place of employment with higher pay and much friendlier work environment is top on my to-do list. I had to deal with the fact that my hours were cut because I vocalized my opinions about a colleague who has a nasty habit of interjecting himself into other people’s sales. But that’s not all. For the first time, I was the lowest in sales for the month despite reaching the monthly goal of fifty. Now! They did reveal one side of the issue to me but I know better…I know what this was really about and I wasn’t a fan. Not at all. But, alas, I don’t hold on to negative emotions for too long, especially anger. Besides, I got work to do. Haha!

See, I’ve dubbed 2019, the Year of Audible, because of the incredible market that I got the privilege to explore. It’s marvelous. Small bursts of short stories, novels, interviews, plays and such. All of which are wonderfully produced and I love how many writers, authors, and producers are thinking outside the box and I want to see what else this service has to offer. I’m definitely going to make sure that all of my stories have an audio form.

Speaking out of stories, I have completed 30% of the story stories outlines done and want to get all of them done before the month ends. Even better, I have a few series that I’m going to be working to make an Audible/Kindle exclusive for the time being. I will be telling you the name and synopsis of each series/short stories when everything was said and done. This is actually going to be great because I get to work with another writer (he will be revealed once the series is done per his request) to create a wonderful LGBT series outside of my crime series. Oh! RIGHT!!!! I FINALLY GOT A NAME FOR IT!!! But I’m going to be quiet about it…just in case I think of a better name.

Yeah…I think I’m going to be doing pretty well this week. Still…I need to get out of this annoying environment of my current job. And in rapid fashion, too. Haha!

Now, please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2019.

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