Home Life Well well…I’m back

Well well…I’m back

by dimensionaltales

This is going to be a rather short blog post…well…sort of. Sorry, it has been about two weeks since I posted but for good reasons. See, writing and teaching work hand-and-hand and I’m going to get the chance to do both whiles on the road. I will be going to China in July and I’m doing so much work in preparations. And I’m doing all of this while working on my short stories.

First, I had to get my TEFL certification which I completed without any problems. A 120 hrs course was completed in 50 hrs and the final assignment was done within a few hours. Yeah, that’s what I call hyperfocus. Lol

Next, I had to get my passport and, let me tell you, that process was harder than I expected. It took me a grand total of three weeks and two attempts to get it right. Because I didn’t have my birth certificate, social and new ID BEFORE I could even attempt the passport application. Oh, the two attempts, you ask? Well, I made the money order wrong and had to turn it into two money orders. Haha! Luckily, I got it wrong on the third try.

Now, I have to do a background and medical check. I’m never worried about these things. Since I’ve never committed a crime a day in my life (call it civil laziness) and I’ve never been in need of hospital care (knock on wood), this part of the process will be of great ease. Too bad I got to pay for the medical exam, myself. After…i have to stockpile on pants, jeans, and footwear since no other country might not have my size.

Finally, I might need another laptop. Small one. Something easy to transport and work on. Oh! And a messenger bag. Because I’ll be damned if I can’t write while I’m traveling and I will rather be comfortable while doing so. Besides…I’m almost done with the outlines for both short stories and crime series. I have great faith that you all will love what I have in store for you.

, please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2019.

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