Home Life Sports, Parents, and Some Tuition on the Side

Sports, Parents, and Some Tuition on the Side

by dimensionaltales

There are so many things that I had to do for my students; I’m amazed that I’m still awake while typing.  On top of that, I had to get my tuition taken care of for this month – and the next semester. I wanted to make sure that my last semester was paid for before I begin my next semester.  That was the easiest part, believe it or not. The other things on my list…not so much.

Parent-Teacher meeting was this week and it was a doozy. Most of them (parents) were delightful while only a couple were a little overbearing for my taste. One is beyond concerned about her kid’s progression in English (he started very late) while another wanted us to convince her daughter to abandon her art path for economics or business. Yeah, being an artist myself, I sure as hell wasn’t going to do that. While I can only speculate as I’m not in their household or mind, there was no way I was going to let the progression of my students so unnoticed. And, I definitely will never discourage another artist from following their dreams. However, I will give them a reality check about their path before helping them. Luckily, both of parents left with a little better of an understanding of their kid…I hope.

Additionally, my school had their annual Sports Day Celebration. Similiar to that of Field Day,  the students got to show off their athletic skills in various sport activities. I was at the bank for most of it, but I got make it to the staff tug-of-war which we made to the Finals. My students were impressed that I was holding my own in the back. They knew I was strong, but that strong. I had to tell them that I’m not strong; I just know my body very well. Unfortunately, we lost, but I did have a lot of fun, though I didn’t admit it to anybody. Ha ha ha!

This week is done and the weekend shall being. Time to make sure that I complete one game while starting another one. Maybe a little editing and schedule on the side. Much deserved, I say.

Now, please don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (TwitterFacebookInstagram, and Goodreads) on my web page’s right side. Also, I love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and Fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2023. I am happy to announce that I have completed my 2023 Challenge and still going. Right now, I’m at 217.

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