Home Life Back In School…and It Feels So Good

Back In School…and It Feels So Good

by dimensionaltales

Everything is going pretty well this week and I thank God for that as it doesn’t happen often. I wouldn’t say it was “smooth sailing” because it’s the education field and nothing is ever “smooth sailing”. However, I will say that it was one of my easier work weeks.

For starters, my students are almost done with their ELA course work and it’s going a lot smoother than I could ever hope for. No surprise there, really. My students are brilliant and always up for a challenge. I did have to skip the reading of The Prince because I was uncomfortable with the content, but my colleagues helped me look at it through a different lens. Though I can’t take back my decision, I can – at least – have a more open mindset for next year. That is if they keep the book on there for next year.

Outside of school, I began writing the second installment of the main series of my LGBTQ+ Crimeverse as well as plotting out everything that’s meant to happen in the second act of it all. On top of that, I’ve finally decided to release the first book AFTER I’m done with China. That way I can properly advertise and market the book at conventions with sexy shirtless models like the good Lord intended.  Two more years of China and I’ll be back home spreading my literature and fairy dust around in no time.

And the best news for last…I’m back in school. I got the banking system down and registered for my next class. So, what’s my next class? It’s American Modernism…and it’s another literary criticism/analytical class. I half expected to be nervous about taking another literary theory class but I’m oddly calm about it. I know what to expect and I think I have a handle on it this time around. I still don’t like analyzing literature but, at least, I can say that I can do it. Correct, too. Here to me praying so.

Now, please don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (TwitterFacebookInstagram, and Goodreads) on my web page’s right side. Also, I love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and Fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2023. I am happy to announce that I have completed my 2023 Challenge and still going. Right now, I’m at 226.

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