Home Life My Mind is Heavy but My Heart is Lifted…And Happy

My Mind is Heavy but My Heart is Lifted…And Happy

by dimensionaltales

So, I haven’t posted last week because I was waaaay too busy to do any kind of formal writing. Training from this new job has been something crazy and even more. But it’s a good type of crazy since I’m learning so much and applying it for both my job and writing career. Promoting and marketing are two essential skills to have in the business side of book writing.

With this week, I managed to get a lot more writing done for my buddy’s video game project. Actually, I’m almost done with it all characters, so I just need to write the lore and such for the world and regions before the long part comes into play: the script. I mean, seriously, I have to write the script for EVERY segment of the game which is going to a bitch but SOOOO much fun; I’m going to see if I can convince him to hire video actors. He might say no but it’s still worth a shot.

Additionally, I finally found an editor that’s willing to proofread the first AND second installment of my Dimensions series and any series here after that at a pretty decent price. He’s even thinking about making it into an additional career path along with writing poetry; as we speak, his first book of poems is currently in the works.

Finally…I saw Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War and I’m still feeling the effects of the ending. The story was so well put together and the action flowed quite nicely. I just wasn’t prepared for that ending; I don’t think ANYBODY was prepared for that ending. BUT, if you think about it, what happens after the Infinity Gauntlet storyline would bring the MCU in full circle. At least…that’s what I’m banking on. I’m so going to see that movie, again.

Now, I have to start my day with a meeting from my day job. Please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2018.

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