Home Life It’s Been A Long Week…

It’s Been A Long Week…

by dimensionaltales

This coronavirus is no joke. Let me tell you…

I haven’t been infected, thank God. However, it is affecting me because I can’t work and, since I’m an educator, my whereabouts are being monitored by my principal to a certain degree. And this had led me to come interesting ordeals.

Before I get into what I have been doing, let me explain the rules that have been put on me and the other citizens:

  • I can only go out of my apartment every three days and I have to show my hall pass in order to do so. And if I leave beforehand, I’ll get a call from my principal (my boss) to explain myself.
  • I can’t go anywhere or be allowed anywhere without my mask…and that thing is annoying to wear.
  • I have to get my temperature checked before I can enter any building including my apartment

It seems trivial until I tell you that it’s been like that for about two months now. I haven’t been able to move freely around the city for about two months and I am slowly losing my mind. So, I’ve been working really hard to keep myself busy so I can handle my growing cabin fever.

As of now, I have completed the first draft of twelve short stories with 33 more to go. That has always been my focus for 2020 because of the business endeavor that I’ve been building for the last year and a half. But also, I have been working on the backstory and such on my best friend’s debut game for his indie game development company which I’m equally excited about. I told him that I wouldn’t be writing the script for any of it until I buy Final Draft because I want it to look professional. Also, I wanted to the program so I can use it for other projects that require a script.

Finally, I’ve been dedicating myself to a strict writing work schedule for myself. I wake up and eat a hearty breakfast with coffee (I need my coffee) and quickly start writing. With breaks in between, I work until 9 or 10 o’clock at night and play some games on my Switch until around 1 or 2 o’clock in the morning. Usually, I found myself clocking out around midnight or so but you know…

Oh! I have been talking to my family and friends back at the States and such. Along with my brother and grandmother, I have one friend in Lebanon that keeps me grounded. They all call to check up on me and make sure that I’m alive and healthy…and following the rules. It’s no secret to them that I have a little issue with being impulsive. Some say it’s because I’m an Aries (whatever that means), others say it because I’m my father’s son. Either way, it warrants the right for them to keep tabs on me.

Let’s just pray that everybody gets and stays well, alright.

Now, please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2020. My goal is to read 100 books this year and I’m already at 35. Probably end up reading 120 before the year is out.

Also, buy Not Afraid of Dick: A Sitdown with Dante Drackis, which is out now on Amazon and Kindle.

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