Home Life Helping Hands, Lending Support

Helping Hands, Lending Support

by dimensionaltales

Getting my friend’s company ready for 2018 along with writing my short stories for Volume 2 and 3 for my Dimensions series is really starting to break me down aka starting to get fun for me.

I’m beginning to understand that I’m at my best when I’m multitasking like a madman. When I’m focused on a singular task, I try to perfect it and I end up doing the one thing that I try to avoid: stress out. However, if I have multiple objectives to complete, I can divide my attention and work for effectively because I can stop one task and focus on another when I’m stuck on something. Yes, I know, it’s weird but you should come to expect that from me.

For NGA (Nexus Gaming Alliance), my buddy’s company, I was tasked with adding more conventions to the Master List whether it be for running the Game Room, selling merchandises (my primary focus) or both. That task seemed easier until I realized how late in the year we were to register for a good portion of these conventions, but I’m told that God made my tongue silver for a reason so, clearly, he has faith in my innate abilities. Either that or he’s seriously overestimating my skills of wordplay.

On top of that, I still have plans to assist my buddies at Bowlcut Studios with promoting their debut game. YES! IT’S JUST THAT GOOD!!! See for yourself:


“MageQuit is a wizard-brawling arena game where up to 10 players use spells and physics to do battle. As a wizard, you are granted a staff with a glowing D20, giving you unique elemental abilities. With every kill, your neckbeard and fame grow. Will you end up as Merlin, or be forever cursed with peach fuzz?”

The game is only available for Steam, right now, but it will be released for console later on in its development period. They told me that the game is still, technically, not done.

Today is really good because Marvel’s The Punisher is out on Netflix and it will be binged as I type up my stories. I’ve been anticipating this show for the longest time and I know Jon Bernthal is going to do a spectacular job – just like on Daredevil. I see great potentials for this series. I also need to finally binge-watch the second season of Stranger Things and Mindhunters. After that, I will all catch up on my Netflix shows and will redirect my attention to Hulu with Smallville, Younger, Devious Maids, Future Man along with so many others. This is good because I can listen to something while I write; I can’t stand working in silence.

My final objective is getting my debut book re-edited and re-released for 2018 because I was kindly and bluntly informed that it was littered with more grammatical errors than I was comfortable with. I was completely mortified when I learned about that and made a vow to not let that happen ever again. My friend told me that, although I didn’t mean to, I was valuing quantity over quality and my product suffered because of it. So, I will be paying a gentleman to properly and professionally edit Volume 1 of the Dimensions series. This will be done well before my second installment is released to the public.

Anyway, thanks for listening to my nonsense, I know it’s not as fruitful as my other posts, but I didn’t have a lot to vent about this time around.

Please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms which are listed below:

Twitter: @DimensionAuthor

Instagram: @jpyfrom

https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17126055.Justin_Pyfrom (GoodRead Page) (Go there if you have any questions for me to answer)

P.S. The links to my social media is also at the bottom right side of the page, as well.

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