Home Life Another Dimension To Be Observed

Another Dimension To Be Observed

by dimensionaltales

November is starting to be a wickedly splendid whirlwind of projects and stories that need, or will, require my attention. A small portion of my friends are asking for my assistance on their projects and it leaves me in very concerning position. It’s not that I don’t want to help them, it’s that I want to dive into another project with someone that doesn’t share the same level of ambition as me. Some of them I would be willing to do in a heartbeat but others I’m not too sure about. I’m going to have to pray on it and ask the Lord to bestow on me the wisdom to choose properly.

Now, move onward, I’ve begun writing out the short stories for the second installment of the Dimensions series. Of course, there are some things I can tell you. One of the big things I can tell you is that I will explore the duality of humanity on various sides. Although I’m playing with titles for this installment, I do find Heroism and Villainy to be pretty damn catchy. My buddy who is still working on getting a Dimension series on a platform wants to have three seasons worth of material WHEN he lands a yes. (Yes! He’s just that confidence and I have just that much faith in him; his ambition is equal to mine).

So! I would like to announce the eight “working” title of my stories for this installment. I’m not digging a few of them so they may change:


  • Brothers in Arms
  • A Night Among Angels
  • Testament of Good Will
  • A Gift to Humanity


  • Cries of the Innocence
  • Shades of Evil
  • Colors of Humanity
  • Nightmare Everlasting

(Yep! These “titles” are definitely going to go through changes before the end of the month!) But! The events that I drew inspiration from will always remain the same. Oh! You want to know the inspiration for the stories. Well, can’t tell you that until it’s done. Sigh…the writer’s mind is always barred.

Finally, while I’m in Nebraska for Anime Nebraskon, I will be working the Pennings brother on promoting their spectacular game: MageQuit. As I stated two weeks ago, the information about their game – as well as the link – below:


“MageQuit is a wizard-brawling arena game where up to 10 players use spells and physics to do battle. As a wizard, you are granted a staff with a glowing D20, giving you unique elemental abilities. With every kill, your neckbeard and fame grow. Will you end up as Merlin, or be forever cursed with peach fuzz?”

The game is only available for Steam, right now, but it will be released for console later on in its development period. They told me that the game is still, technically, not done.

Now, I need to get packed and rest because I head out in a couple of hours. Until then, farewell and God bless.

Please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms which are listed below:

Twitter: @DimensionAuthor

Instagram: @jpyfrom

https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17126055.Justin_Pyfrom (GoodRead Page) (Go there if you have any questions for me to answer)

P.S. The links to my social media is also at the bottom right side of the page, as well.


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