Home Life Getting Ready For NYCC & “Dreaming A Dream”

Getting Ready For NYCC & “Dreaming A Dream”

by dimensionaltales

I can finally start saving up for my plans to making San Francisco my permanent home. In addition to it all, I will be able to start saving up for my writing career so I can properly hire people for editing, co-writing and many other things in an official capacity. This is really exciting for me because I can finally “spend money” to “make money”. But there’s something else I’m increasingly excited about. See, in a week, I will be in the Big Apple for one of my favorite conventions of all time: New York Comic Con.

Yep, I’m going to be engaging in another round of cosplay, parties, and friendship with the main purpose of creating more. Fun fact, I have created and maintained most of these convention friendships has come from NYCC and I’m planning to make more this year. I smile at the opportunity to make friends because…well…I’m a people person and I love the idea of making more friends. Plus, it wouldn’t hurt to establish more business connections. But, in the meantime, I do have some additional writing to handle…

See, I have more backstory to complete for my LGBT+ crime series before going back to editing my short stories before the year is up. With that being said, I’m deciding to postpone my second installment’s release so I can do everything properly and correctly. I have to remember that I will have to “spend money” to “make money”. Furthermore, it will allow me to save up even more money for traveling to conventions and sightseeing. It would also be nice to eventually be able to hire people to take the load off so I can focus on writing writing WRITING!!! lol

This week has been slow but impactful as I am continuing to work to further my goals so this is still a win for me. I mean, with writing, Netflixing, and training at this new job, I’m going to be in for a really long and fun ride until my next book is released and I’m so prepared for. ha ha!

Now, please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2018.

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