Home Life First Time for Many Things

First Time for Many Things

by dimensionaltales

Grand Rapid Comic Con was so surreal for me. It was my first time in Michigan. My first gig at my new job (Final Boss Gaming). My first time creating contacts that were both friendly and professional. And first time leading the charge of the game room. Also, the first time I’m booking my own gig for Final Boss Gaming. First time creating my own program for Final Boss Gaming for indie games. Yeah, a first time for a lot of things and I’m loving it.

What makes it better is that I got to meet two brothers with such an innovative mind and a fantastic game called MageQuit. The game was simple but complex and everybody in the room couldn’t keep their hands off the game. Along with that, the brothers (Brett and Chad) are super approachable and excited about their creation which led to a very lovely friendship which I hope flourish to something more outside of the game room. Hopefully, they’ll allow me to put my Bachelor’s degree to work. The information about the game – as well as the links – below:


“MageQuit is a wizard-brawling arena game where up to 10 players use spells and physics to do battle. As a wizard, you are granted a staff with a glowing D20, giving you unique elemental abilities. With every kill, your neckbeard and fame grow. Will you end up as Merlin, or be forever cursed with peach fuzz?”

The game is only available for Steam, right now, but it will be released for console later on in its development period. They told me that the game is still, technically, not done. I haven’t had a chance to play it in Grand Rapid but I’m going to try to get my hands on it at our next convention: Anime Nebraskon. That’s right, I have another convention – in another state – to go to, in about two weeks (November 10-12, 2017).

So, in preparation of all of that, my colleagues have been helping me with the indie project of mine while I continue to work on the outlines of my books. At THIS point, I have completed the following tasks:

  • Character outlines for ALL three series
  • Premise for Book 4 for the Dimensions series
  • Outline of plot to Book 1 of the LGBT+ series which I’ll begin writing in December
  • COMPLETE Wave 1 timeline for the Space Opera series (still need to create a name for the series)

Now, I can begin writing the first installment of my LGBT+ series. Don’t worry, I will divulge the name of the series next week. But, for now, I need to get ready for my next gig and map out my writing schedule for December. Until then, farewell.

Please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms which are listed below:

Twitter: @DimensionAuthor

Instagram: @jpyfrom

https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17126055.Justin_Pyfrom (GoodRead Page) (Go there if you have any questions for me to answer)

P.S. The links to my social media is also at the bottom right side of the page, as well.


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