Home Life Back to Reality, Back to Work…with a Smile

Back to Reality, Back to Work…with a Smile

by dimensionaltales

Post-con depression is a harsh and reoccurring mental condition where reality set in after the end of the convention. The more enjoyable the con, the harsher the condition become; it’s very real and it happens to practically everyone. And let me tell you: Post-con depression hit me really hard after NYCC.

See, NYCC is one of my favorite convention that I was fortunate enough to work there for my sixth year. The atmosphere was overwhelmingly, and chaotically, delightful and everybody was so happy and bright. I couldn’t stop smiling while working/attending the convention. Best yet, and most importantly, the cosplays I’ve seen this year are something to marvel at. This year, I managed to snap over 450 pictures (my best, yet!). Furthermore, this year, I decided to add my top 10 favorite cosplay for Day 2 (Friday) and 3 (Saturday) on my Instagram account. If you want to see my favorite pictures, just click on the following link:

https://www.instagram.com/jpyfrom/ (Don’t worry, I’ll accept your request)

After coming back from NYCC, I was thrust back in the writing world by my producer friend, Abraham, who wanted me to revise the pilot script for a TV series he’s trying to get greenlit. I think the industry term for the series is that it’s “In development”. It’s really interesting to hear him talk about the process of getting a tv series from paper to the small screen. The fact that he’s spent nearly three months connecting with other production companies and director to make it happen is a something to admire. I really hope that he manages to get the project through because this will be huge for his production company. Also, if you want to see more of my best mate’s work, just click on the following link:

http://www.imdb.com/name/nm7230456/?ref_=nv_sr_1 (Abraham Dunmeyer’s IMDb page)

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClZOcMvMyn9QULCp-rDfWxg/featured (Abraham Dunmeyer’s YouTube Page)

Following my meeting with Abraham, I ended up meeting with an old high school buddy, Greg Jones, who is doing a wonderful job in flexing his directing muscle. I think he’s finally found his niche along with leading the charge with the Urban Jedi Knights group. So, I decided to take a pre-emptive approach for my aspiring Space Opera franchise, a series that will debut in either 2019 or 2020 and asked him to join in creating a variety of short series for the franchise. Surprisingly, he leaped that the idea and we’re already in talks about how we want to formulate the series and what he wants to do from the ground up. Generally, the idea is to have a series outside of the book series that will share the same universe.

If this pans out how I want it, I will have a glorious network and a franchise of wonderful heroes and heroines that will benefit everybody in the long run. At least, that’s the plan, anyway.

Oh! Here’s the best part. ALL OF THIS had to be done BEFORE I left for Ohio today. My older brother drove me down there because I’m scared of flying. Although my brother is going to give me grief about my fear during the ride, he still very proud that I’m finally moving to a new environment. Immensely proud.

Now, you can three series (all of which I’ve created a strict writing schedule for) and two outside writing projects to add under my belt that might actually bear fruit. Things are actually looking up for me.

Oh! If you want to check out the Urban Jedi page, just click on the following link:

https://twitter.com/urbanjedi_phl (Their Twitter Page)

https://www.instagram.com/urbanjedi_phl/ (Their Instagram Page)

Also, please don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms which are listed at the bottom:

https://twitter.com/DimensionAuthor (Twitter)

https://www.instagram.com/jpyfrom/ (Instagram)

https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17126055.Justin_Pyfrom (GoodRead Page) (Go there if you have any questions for me to answer)

P.S. The links to my social media is also at the bottom right side of the page, as well.

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