Home Life A New Goal Is Ready To Be Reached

A New Goal Is Ready To Be Reached

by dimensionaltales

First I would like to apologize for my absence from the blog. I’ve been really busy with the three projects that I’ve been contracted to complete along with my short stories and the LGBTQ+ crime novel series. Since last week, I’ve been tremendously busy with reading, researching, writing and conducting meetings. But, because of this, the progress that has been made is something to marvel at, in my opinion. Check it out:

LGBTQ Crime Series – I’m thinking about calling it Queer Eye Investigation feel that the name is too long for a series name. But, I’ve completed the backstory, physical description, personality and such for all the main and major characters of the series. I’ve even written out the events leading up to the first book. I’m practically halfway through it all since the only things I have left to write are the character’s businesses and the love story in Rio, Brazil.

Short Stories – I have over sixty short stories ideas that I want to explore for next year. The idea is to create a steady flow of short stories that will give my director friends, and such, something to work with and I can finally get these ideas out of my head…PLUS!! My Dimension series isn’t going to last forever (at least, not the way I’m envisioning it) and I don’t want these stories to go to waste.

TPRG Project – My college mates and I have been working on their debut game. Again, I’ve been sworn to client confidentiality and I love reminding my mates that, as a writer, there’s one rule that I always go by: “If you’re going to give me guidelines, you better give me some restrictions.” Why? Because if you don’t, I will let my mind run wild and you’ll more than what you bargain for. For example, because of my lack of restrictions, I made a gigantic map with over 100 stories of lore before my lead look at me and simply said, “Too much.”

Haha! Yeah, that was funny. But, we managed to get back on the same page and, now, we’re just creating the bulletin quest. Not hard but necessary because it tends to hand and hand with the bestiary that I’m also tasked with. Right now, I have 600 quests to create and have already completed over 250 of them.

CapLucky Project – I’ve recently partnered up with a delightful cosplayer photographer, known as CapLucky, to create stories for his models. I promised that I wouldn’t tell too much of our plans until everything is plot and planned. This is something I’m really excited because I get to work on a genre that I need to understand and familiarize myself with. (click here to learn more about him)

Comic Book Project – Finally, I working a comic book series with one of my LGBT idols. I’m still waiting for him to give me his confirmation and execute a meetup but I’m confident he’ll say yes. I’ll be creating the comic series for Class Comic (click here if want to learn about the company and its work); it’s one of my milestone goals as a proud writer of the LGBTQ+ community.

Please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2018.

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