Home Life Working With my Favorite Defender

Working With my Favorite Defender

by dimensionaltales

Two words…Jessica Jones.

While I’m adding my contribution (my story) to my friend’s folder to share with the other team members, I’m going to binge-watching the season 2 of my favorite Defender of the MCU: Jessica Jones. I also get to hope for an actual happy ending for Ms. Jones, too; God knows she needs it. But that’s just the start of the good news for this week.

I passed the second part of my interview at TQL. It’s a job that will better fund my living, personal, and professional expenses. The funny part of the whole thing? I had to take four tests. One of them being a state test where I had to identify all fifty states according to their abbreviation. I haven’t had to do that since the fifth grade and I couldn’t help but laugh.

After passing all of my tests with flying colors (I’m not kidding, I got high 90s on all four test), I got invited to my final interview where I pray I get the job. In the meantime, I still got some work to do with my LGBT series.

Right now, as I play the balancing act with my two buddies’ projects, I have to get the chapter format down pack before I start writing it. Along with that, I have to set aside money to make sure that my best mate, David, is paid for a modeling gig that I contracted him for. I’m excited to get back to this book series. It’s going to be such fun.

Now, it’s time for me to start my day. Please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2018.

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