Home Life Whistling While I’m Writing

Whistling While I’m Writing

by dimensionaltales

Since the 3rd of this month, I have been working on the first installment of my LGBTQ+ Crimeverse series. The details of the series I’m still keeping to myself as I’m still ironing out all the logistics around the series. You know, how many series are going to take up this universe, the models, the photographers, ghostwriters (if necessary), among other things. But, right now, I’m grinning ear-to-ear.

I mean, after years of worldbuilding, character designing, researching, plotting, and outlining, I finally got to work on my first installment. And when I say work, I mean “WORK!”. As I am writing this blog post, I have already finished three chapters and am almost halfway through the fourth chapter.

Well, I wouldn’t call them chapters as, for this series, anyway, they function more like episodes. I got the idea from Boystown, one of my favorite literary LGBTQ+ soap operas, since I will have A LOT of moving parts in various areas – both in and out of the Gayborhood. Oh! Did I mention this is my love letter to my city’s gay village (The Gayborhood)?

Well, now you know, that’s the only thing I’m going to tell you until AFTER I’m done with the first book. However, given the speed at which I’m writing, I’ll be able to talk a little bit about it next month or so. Yeah, I’m finding myself smiling (and singing) while I’m writing. I’m enjoying myself with this series. I can’t whistle, but I’m just so overjoyed right now. I think my readers are going to feel the same way.

I have so much to share in the coming months. Not just about this crimeverse, but also about my revival Dimensions series, a “sinfully delightful” project I’m working on, and the next step to my Short Story Project.

To my writers out there, whistle while you’re working. Enjoy the process.

Now, please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (TwitterFacebookInstagram, and Goodreads) on my web page’s right side. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2022. My goal is to read 180 books this year and I’m already at 133. August is going to be the month of heaving audiobooks and writing.

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