Home Life Well…This Took A Turn

Well…This Took A Turn

by dimensionaltales

My summer was going great. I got to visit friends. I was making enormous progress on my LGBTQ Crimeverse. I was relaxing with my gaming time while checking in with my family. Then, I got some bad news…like a few hours ago.

I didn’t get into my dream Master’s Program.

Yeah, I just found out at 10:18 am and, honestly, I don’t know how to feel. Honestly, I thought my audition piece was good. I was told that it was heartfelt and nostalgic. One even said that it was straight out of the Twilight Zone. That made me smile the most as Rob Sterlin has been one of my biggest inspirations.

But, alas, the university I applied for didn’t think so. They refused my application. Of course, I’m going to call them and get a better understanding but I can’t tell you how much this hurts. I’m trying my hardest not to cry and my friends are offering me words of support and encouragement.

My brother is more pissed than I am, but I think it’s because he has always seen me as his hero. I had to remind him that I’m not Superman. He didn’t want to hear that.

Well, I’m going to wait until the university opens to have a little tat-a-tat with them. At least, then, I can get some closure and lay out my options with them. If anything, I just might have to go for a MA in Creative Writing with them and try again in six months.

Man, this feels like a gut punch.

Anyway, please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (TwitterFacebookInstagram, and Goodreads) on my web page’s right side. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2022. My goal is to read 180 books this year and I’m already at 148. August is going to be the month of heaving audiobooks and writing.

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