Home Life There’s Fire In These Wintry Eyes

There’s Fire In These Wintry Eyes

by dimensionaltales

I am soooo tired from my first week of the third shift workforce. Working from 10 at night to 6 in the morning is really the tiring part if you could believe it. Nope, it’s the 45 minutes back and forth between the initial bus stop…IN THE BLOODY SNOW!!! I HATE SNOW!!! I mean it’s nice to look at, but I despise interacting with it. God, I can’t wait for Spring to get here.

On a more positive, less complaining, note, I finished the final short story Nightmare Ever After, formerly Nightmare Everlasting. The story opened some old wounds and, yet, it ended up being my shortest story to date – a whopping eleven pages. But I imagine that it’ll be longer after I go through some rewrites. Luckily, I still have some more writing to do such short intro, book intro, author’s note and meaningful quotes to compliment each “entry”. That part is actually my favorite if you would believe it.

Adding to the writing, I recently got an email from a buddy of mine who still working the skeleton for his indie production company and needs me to look over it. Funny enough, I completely forgot about that project…and I’m told that I still can’t talk about it. My goodness, this rule regarding productions is excruciating at times…actually all the time…luckily, I’m hands-off for 90% of this project.

Finally, I’m actually starting to enjoy Columbus a little bit more now that I get to explore the heart of Columbus. See, in Philadelphia, I’m in walking distance of Center City (a 30-minute stroll) so I could literally find entertainment at any part of the day. Now, that I actually WORK IN Columbus, I can properly enjoy myself. This is going to be fun.

Now, it’s time for me to start my day. Please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2018.

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