Home Life There’s A Hole Burning in My Pocket

There’s A Hole Burning in My Pocket

by dimensionaltales

Next month is going to be a monetary hassle for two reasons: desktop and editor. Wait…maybe three. Could be four, if I’m counting correctly. Wait…maybe it’s three? You know what, I think it would be better to explain myself.

First and foremost, I have to buy a desktop for my work office. You see, I have a laptop, but it’s not in the best condition. Additionally, there are more school-related materials on there than writing stuff as most of them are on my Google Drive. So, I’ve decided that I’m going to buy myself a desktop for my work office. Specifically, I want to buy an all-in-one as it would be easier to pack and move.

Now, I don’t know much about these types of desktops – or any for that matter. So, I’m going to call on my friends to help me shop for it. My friends want me to get a gaming desktop, but I don’t see the need for it since…you know…I’m not a PC gamer. Speaking of which, I think I might buy a PS5, later…

Secondly, I’m going to be spending a lot of money on editors. Two editors are going to be needed for my Dorian Gray novella: one for LGBTQ readers and another for non-LGBTQ readers. Why? Well, because two of my models had politely requested it due to their religion. I didn’t want to argue, but it presented a unique opportunity for me.

You see, I decided to hire translators for each of the model’s versions of Dorian Gray as my version of this iconic narcissist is omnilingual among other things. I think I already said this would be my first time hiring translators. What I haven’t mentioned was that two translators will get one version, while the other two will get the other one.

So, desktop, editor, and translator. Yep! Definitely, three. Ha! Ha!

Now, please don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (TwitterFacebookInstagram, and Goodreads) on my web page’s right side. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2022. I’ve already completed this year’s reading goal, but I’m not stopping. Right now, I’m at 181.

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