Home Life There’s A Certain Madness In Happiness

There’s A Certain Madness In Happiness

by dimensionaltales

Leon: Justin, your book is out.

Me: Short story.

Leon: Point being, you need to celebrate. You deserve to celebrate.

There’s a certain level of madness that comes with a work that has been released. A few years ago, I released my first literary work “Dimensions: The College Years” to mediocre success. And, all the way, I took part in a lot of mistakes and missteps which made me a better writer and a smarter businessman. Now, I can take the knowledge I’ve acquired and put it into the future work.

Then, I ended up learning something else when working with someone in a collaborative setting. I learned to put everything in writing and don’t work with anybody who wants to dump the whole workload on you. It’s the only reason why I don’t talk too much about that installment but will be talking about future installments. Plus, as you may have already guessed from my recent activities, I’ve apply that very knowledge to my short story.

It may be only the first one out of forty-five shorts from this project but I’m proud of it, nonetheless. Alas, this has also awaken a source of panic in me.  I didn’t think I was capable of such a rude awakening as I’ve always had a carefree approach to my writing that yielded wonderful results. But now I’m writing with the care  and precise that my brother and close friends have come to expect of me. So, yeah, no pressure whatsoever.

Lucky for me, my brothers and closest friends are also my pillar of support that push and comfort me when I need – and want – it. Even if I don’t realize it from time to time. It’s amazing how much better one can become in their artistic field when they have a band of merry supporters.

So, here it is. The first short story that has finally been released to the public entitled “A Crack In A Wall“.

“The rise and fall of a world leader are interviewed for the world to see. But, can his words be taken seriously? Can his story be labeled accurate? That’s something for the interviewee to decide.”

Buy on Amazon: https://amzn.to/32YWeOO

Now, please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (TwitterInstagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and Fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2020. My goal is to read 123 books this year and I’ve completed that goal. However, I’m far from done with the challenge and I wonder how much more I can read before the year is out.

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