Home Life The Nerve of Some People…

The Nerve of Some People…

by dimensionaltales

Well, I’m back at school. Actually, I was back at school for a moment, then we were forced to go into lockdown, again, and, finally, able to leave my community…again. However, China’s Labour Day holiday is coming up so you can imagine my reservation about things getting back to normal. Nevertheless, I do have something to share…

During my time in isolation, I had an encounter with an entitled Chinese man who thought he could police foriegners. It was the damnest thing because he wasn’t law enforcement – nor a health inspector. He was trying to make sure that foriegners followed the rules and did it in a very aggressive and intrusive way. He was being dismissed and berated but he continued to try and, apparently, he thought he could do the same thing to me.

For the record, when I’m walking about in public, I wear a mask by only under my chin. When I’m in enclosed spaces or buildings, I put the mask up per the law.  However, that didn’t sit well with this entitled self-appointed Chinese policeman.

He tried to make me put my mask up while I was going for a walk. When I told him to leave me as he wasn’t law enforcement, he tried to physically force me to put it by touching my face. Yeah…that wasn’t happening. So, I gripped his finger and twisting it making him fall to his knees in pain. He tried to call for help but no one took his side. In fact, everybody amonished him for trying to “bully foriegners. He screamed for me to let go, but I didn’t.

Instead, I maneuver his fingers so he would stand upright; I do love being a martial artist. I had someone translate for me and told him that he wasn’t law enforcement or a health inspector so he is to leave me alone. He promised to never touch me again and he ended up walking away with his head down. I got a couple thumbs up and smiles (Chinese thing) and we all went on our merry way. Never saw the guy again.

I did feel bad about embarrassing him in front of a crowd since Chinese people really care about saving face. However, I felt like that, if I didn’t stop him, he was going to continue to be mean and antagonistic towards foriegners. At least now, he knows that there are some foriengers who wouldn’t tolerate his tomfoolery and shenanigans. Silver lining, you know?

Anyway, that’s my big story during lockdown. Everything else the same. You know, teaching online classes, writing stories, and playing video games. I have been reading a lot more of WebToons, though.

Now, please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (TwitterFacebookInstagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2022. My goal is to read 180 books this year and I’m already at 57. I think this month is going to be about The Great Course audiobooks since I need to get through all of them before the end of the month.

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