Home Life Something Wickedly Delightful This Way Comes…

Something Wickedly Delightful This Way Comes…

by dimensionaltales

A new year means new projects and challenges for my artistic friends and me; this year is no different. In addition to that, we have been making it more of a practice for all of us to plan ahead and much more meticulously. That last part was meant for me because I have had moments where I didn’t plan for something that almost always led to a mishap and a headache. So, I downloaded a Project Management program and I prayed that would be enough. Now…for the wickedly delightful…

As I explained in a previous post, I wanted to spread my wings to other cultures in a respectful manner. I also wanted to do this to challenge and educate myself on other cultures. Not to mention, I wanted my readers – present and future – to be introduced to and entranced by cultures. So, when starting this project, I vowed to do everything accordingly:” hire a photographer/model from that culture and let them go wild. I found it to be more authentic that way. Four photographers were hired, four models were chosen, and we all got to work.

Carlos Ximenes, a Brazilian model, was the first person I spoke to about this project. I always wanted to work with him after seeing him on a gay hookup site and I was so pleased when he said “Yes”. His only request was that he picked his photographer which worked out wonderfully as I made a new friend in the process.

As for the other three photographers, they were already close friends of mine as well as the models. Two of them have modeled for me before and they were more than willing to do it again especially when I told them about the fact that they would be portraying literature’s most renowned narcissist. It would amazing to see them become excited about it all. Then…they got hit with another lockdown. China…

Anyway, this month is the month when the other three photographers are going to start – and finish their portion of the project. Everybody is working diligently to ensure that their version of Dorian Gray enthrall the readers of their culture as well as anybody else who wishes to indugle. I swear April cannot come soon enough; I can’t wait to show you all the brilliant work of these brilliant photographer. I’m not going to give away the title until the photographers are done, though I am proud of the title that I have chosen for this literary project.

Now, please don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (TwitterFacebookInstagram, and Goodreads) on my web page’s right side. Also, I love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2023. My goal is to read 200 books this year and I’m already at 12. First month is always the first push.

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