Home Books Player Getting Played? Well…

Player Getting Played? Well…

by dimensionaltales

WTF Venice by Elaine Marie

You know, I never told anybody this: I really detest womanizers. It’s a personal annoyance that stems from the ripple effect that those repulsive tribe of people seems to leave behind. Plus, it’s the whole attitude behind the whole lot of them. Just arrogant wankers all around. So, it gives me great joy in seeing the table turns and for them to learn their lessons.  Take Enrique from WTF Venice, for example…

Before I begin, just a heads up, this is the third book of the series and I have no intention of reading the other two for reasons I will explain later. But, let’s start off by saying that the main character is a self-proclaimed player who gets an opportunity to model in a Venice commercial as he continued to practice law in Paris. Seems harmless enough…until he met his tour guide, Alonzo. That’s where things got really funny, really fast.

See, after some flirting on Enrique’s part, eventually they ended up having sex and the player ended falling in love for the first time. Too bad, the feeling wasn’t mutual – at first. However, the model doesn’t take it too well and ends up, inadvertently, stalking his love interest by uprooting his life in Paris and moving to Venice, finding an apartment, gathering clients and aimlessly calling Alonzo to no avail. These actions began to worry his best friend and, quite frankly, me. This would have been grounds for a restraining order.

Now, it does bear to point out that Alonzo’s action did have some metric to it. You know…aside from the belief that Enrique being a one-shot deal. What else? Well, he’s a target of a homophobe who was his sister’s boyfriend before they broke up causing walls to form around his heart and mind.

Luckily, his sister brought both of them together due to some legal matters that she was finishing up. This led to a happy ending and a C+ for this book. It gave a great look into how homophobia can destroy a relationship. But, alas, the story didn’t stick with me, unfortunately.

However, that’s not the reason why I’m not going to read the other books in the series. Well…not the only reason, anyway. Why else? Well…I have over fifty audiobooks that I’m going through and this series doesn’t hold my attention well enough.

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