Home Books 2024 Reading Challenge (January)

2024 Reading Challenge (January)

by dimensionaltales

For 2024, I’m doing something different. Instead of telling you every story I’ve read each month, I will tell you my top five favorites for each month. So! While I have read twenty-four books for January, here are my Top 5 favorites.

Camp Red Moon by R.L. Stine

R.L. Stine always has a special plan in my heart as his books were the first ones that I read on my own, thus beginning my love for literature. This is a new territory for R.L. Stine and, yet, the result is nothing short of charming and witty. Not scary because…you know…I’m an adult, but it works for my younger students. Four stories, one creepier than the last. An absolute must-listen.

Hunting Game by Candice Fox

Thrillers have always been a hit-or-miss with me. I love the pacing, but sometimes I can see ahead of the story and figure out the rest. Hunting Game was a breath of fresh air for me because I was surprised every step of the way. Well, almost every step of the way, I managed to figure out one of two plot points, but definitely not the final one. Also, I’m a huge fan of  Krysten Ritter (Jessica Jones, anybody?)

“The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber” by Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway has always been one of my favorite short story writers. One of my Top 10 (that should be a list of its own). I had to read his famous short stories for my American Modernism course. I’ve always loved an author who never insulted their reader’s intelligence. Moreover, I love a story that leaves room for various interpretations. This is a great first step into learning Modernism.

Cut and Run by Ben Acker & Ben Blacker

This is a yearly thing for me. Since its release in 2020, I’ve been listening to this Audible Original and laughing at the same parts over and over again. Yes! It is just as funny as it is charming. When talking about Audible to anybody, I always refer to this comedy as a starting point. My favorite character is Gordon Grimbsy as he’s just as witty as me with an attention span of a hummingbird.

Escape From Virtual Island by John Lutz

Same as Cut and Run in its release year but this is science fiction (my favorite). Any way to show the danger that technology can pose to people who misuse it – or are careless. And if it can be done with a modest dose of humor then I am all for it. The many pop references were a delightful source of allusions. Still, you can’t put Jane Krakowski in anything and expect her not to steal the show.

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