Home Life No Rest For the Somewhat Weary

No Rest For the Somewhat Weary

by dimensionaltales

So, I’m writing this blog during my break – at work! Yes! I am at work because the Chinese government doesn’t like it when students lose a day of school. So, since we had a five-day week (one was the actual holiday), we were told that last Sunday and this Saturday would be work days.  Yeah…my students and I are pissed.

It’s not too big of a deal, though. We got to work on their research paper and interview for an elite ELA program in Hong Kong. Spoiler Alert! Many of them have passed the interview and are doing quite well on their research paper.

On top of that, I’m still trying to work through my Literary Theory class. Again, not the analytical type and it’s becoming more and more apparent. Luckily, my professor is beyond patient with me so I’m thankful for that. Additionally, I’ve chosen 1984 by George Orwell for my class project; I have to actually write a literary analysis and I am terrified. But I know me. I’m going to panic and then I’ll be just fine.

I do know that hands down. I’m going to do nothing when I get home. I should have been doing nothing, anyway. Saturdays are my rest days and I’m going to try to salvage what’s left of it. It’s definitely going to seep into Sunday for this week. I’m also going to have to redo my writer’s calendar to accommodate it all.

Please don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (TwitterFacebookInstagram, and Goodreads) on my web page’s right side. Also, I love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2023. I aim to read 200 books this year and am already at 73. I’m starting to slow down but will pick it up back up.

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