Home Life New Adventures Awaits in the Golden State

New Adventures Awaits in the Golden State

by dimensionaltales

My goodness…San Francisco is amazing. It’s warm (major plus). It’s vivid. It’s full of personality. And, much like Philadelphia and New York, everybody here is always on the move. But getting there was a complete and utter nightmare of the funny variety. A very funny variety.

First and foremost, I completed my goal of making a few contacts – but not in the way you think. I learned about the Dungeon Masters (DMs) Guild where I can create and sale my campaigns online to other Dungeon & Dungeons (D&D) enthusiast for a small amount. Along with that, I was able to, inadvertently, land a potential deal with Load n- Load Publishing for their Sci-Fi Tactical board game. Funny thing…I got the storyline, characters and such in my head and journal and ready to go when I get the green light. That’s the good news…

The bad news…was the travel. Well, semi-bad news because the travel was pretty entertaining. An hour and a half into the trip I got to learn, via proxy, that the tobacco rule on the Greyhound bus is HIGHLY enforceable. Yeah, I witnessed a man getting kicked off the bus at a gas station for smoking on the bus.

Also, things went from bad to worse when the driver took so many pitstops resulting in me and nine other people missing our connected bus to CA. So, I had to spend seven hours in Las Vegas waiting for the next bus to Los Angeles.

But, it wasn’t all bad because (1) I never been to Vegas and (2) I got a lot of writing done for my best mate’s RPG project. So, I spent a hell of a lot of time adventuring around Las Vegas and talking to a lot of people about, well, anything. I even managed to get business cards of two models that offered their services to future my career as a writer. Sidenote…they are EXTREMELY hot!!!

Finally, I got to San Francisco in the afternoon and was immediately welcomed by my aunt who wasted no time in telling my cousins of my whereabouts. Now, she’s helping me find a better job and a simple apartment in “record time”. She told me that she got my youngest cousin properly situated to San Francisco in about five-month time and she told me that I’m going to be a lot faster due to my laser focus tendencies.

Plus, they are having their Pride Parade this Saturday which my cousin told me that I was going to be kidnapped for. I even got to meet a Linguistic professor from England who was touring the States while on break. He was a fantastic addition to my week and one of many more to experience in the future. But, after this weekend, it’s nothing but grinding and writing and so much more exploring.

This is going to be a great new chapter in my life. Please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2018.

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