Home Life Liars, Plotters, and Thieves…oh my

Liars, Plotters, and Thieves…oh my

by dimensionaltales

It’s something that’s getting really but, yet…never gets old. This whole week has been filled with liars and thieves getting punished for their crimes. Luck for me, I didn’t witness any of it but, rather, I was informed of the manner. One of the incidents made me laugh. Yeah, I laughed…I couldn’t help it. He had it coming. But the second one made me really sad. I do mean REALLY SAD!!!

The first incident happened at my job. I’m usually working alone after the incident revolving my colleague that I explained in a previous post (click here and here to learn more). Now, as I was assisting a medley of customers, I didn’t realize that my boss was calling me and ended up missing the call. After everything was done and the store settled down, I called my boss back and heard the most unsettling news (well, predictable, but still unsettling): My colleague got arrested for embezzlement, fraud, and theft.

I smiled and laughed my arse off. I know, I’m terrible but you got to understand something about this wanker. He has the “ends justify the means” approach to sales. So, it didn’t surprise me that he was doing was going to come back and haunt him. You know, stealing from customers, lying to customers and stealing from the company (creating new accounts, reaping the commission and deactivating them later on) just to make himself look good. All of that came back to bite him in the arse earlier this week. See, having morals and ethics is a lifesaving quality. Plus, let’s be frank, I’m not really cut out for prison life and it’s hard to be a productive writer from behind bars.

Speaking of the arts, remember last week, I spoke about the evils of the world (click here) revolving Justin Smollett. Well, while my statement still stands, I realized that I spoke too soon and the most recent series of events proved that Justin Smollett was lying the entire time. Though the reason for the lying is still being evaluated (payday increase seems to be the censuses), the very act of using our communities’ fears and woes to further his agenda is downright despicable. I’m feeling a lot of emotions, right now, but the one dominant emotion is SORROW.

Oh, one more thing, I’m more than halfway through my 2019 GoodRead Challenge which means that Book Reviews will be flooding my blog soon. So, in March, expect to see a bevy of reviews. I will also have the list of books that I’ve read thus far and the dates that each review will be posted.

Now, please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2019.

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