Home Life I Guide, You Drive

I Guide, You Drive

by dimensionaltales

The first week of school is completed, and I am beyond proud of my students. My class got bigger by three students, and I’m already enamored by their dedication to their goals. Most of them already know what they want to major in for their university while some have an idea but not where to start. However, a few of them don’t know what they want to do because of the many choices available to them.  Sure, they are nervous about that…but I let them know that that’s part of the fun of their journey.

I told them that the path that led me to be an author and a teacher was a long one with twists, turns, and many many setbacks. I got my Bachelor’s in one degree (Game Design) only to realize that my true love went deeper than that. So, I had a love for something that I didn’t have any academic insight into; I had to learn everything about that love from scratch. I had to try things, make mistakes, and try again from a different approach.

Was it difficult? Definitely!

Would it get annoying at times? GOD, YES!!!

Did I think about giving up? I would be lying if I said “I didn’t”, but my ambition – and stubbornness – outweighed the negativity I was feeling at that time.

My students asked me if I could help them with their major. I told them that’s part of my job description: to make them better than me. Now, I know the meaning of that Senior Project that I had to do in high school. It was a way for us to get a glimpse of what we were planning to do with the rest of our lives – to see if we liked it. So, for the next three years, all of my students have their own Senior Project to do – and maintain – for the rest of the time they are under my supervisor. A project that will show universities that they are dedicated to their chosen field and allow them to get firsthand experience of what they should come to expect.

They asked me if I was going to help them with it. I told them what I always tell them: I guide, you drive. In other words, tell me where you want to go and I’ll help you get there to the best of my abilities.

Please don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (TwitterFacebookInstagram, and Goodreads) on my web page’s right side. Also, I love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and Fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2023. I aim to read 200 books this year and am currently 156. Right now, I’m still trying to get through all the audiobooks that are under five hours before moving back to The Great Courses while taking a stab at The Outlander series.

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