Home Life Growing New Bones Despite My Protest

Growing New Bones Despite My Protest

by dimensionaltales

Let me be the first to admit this openly: I don’t have much of an analytical bone. When I read books, I notice things and can examine the surface meaning and themes of the books. However, I can’t say I can apply criticism/lenses to them. You know…psychoanalytical, feminist, Marxist, deconstructionist, and such. And, it’s because of this that I’m having a difficult time in my current class.

This class is called “Literary Theory” and it has officially become the bane of my existence. I’m holding on to a decent grade in the class and the professor is helping me as much as she can, but I’m still having difficulties. Actually -strike that – I’m slowly starting to get the hang of it but very sloooooowly. I’ll be happy if I pass this class with a high B or a low A as I already got an F on an assignment because I misunderstood the assignment. That and my refusal to ask for help. Alas, I have learned my lesson.

On a side note, Sinful Tales of Wicked Vile Delights was a “delightful” success.  It’s out to the public and, according to the data, the Portuguese version of the novella is the most popular. It’s no surprise as it was the only one that had a trailer attached to it – a sexy one, too. Along with it, I have a Spanish and Chinese version of the novella available for the Kindle and the Arabic version will be coming out later this year. For some reason, it’s a little difficult to find an Arabic translator due to the subject matter and the fact that it’s a book.

Next month will be the month where I’m going to apply the Audible treatment to my books, which I’m really excited about. I’m debating if I want three narrators for three versions or just stick with the English version. Decisions. Decisions. But, first and foremost, I need to pass this class!!!

Please don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (TwitterFacebookInstagram, and Goodreads) on my web page’s right side. Also, I love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2023. I aim to read 200 books this year and am currently 82. I’m starting to read The Walking Dead comic book series and finishing up all of M.D. Massey’s books.

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