Home Life Getting Ready For Last NYCC

Getting Ready For Last NYCC

by dimensionaltales

NYCC is next week and I can’t wait to spread my nerd wings for numerous reasons. One, it’s going to be my last NYCC for a good while because of my future employment in China. Two, to meet all my NYC/NYCC friends so I can tell them the good news. And three – most importantly of all, I can’t wait to see all the goodies that I will be acquiring for my friends. But that’s not the only thing that I’m antsy about…

A mixture of American Horror Story and NYCC will be on my itinerary this week. Both of them I’m really excited about Ryan Murphy is my fairy godfather and I will make sure that I get to hang out with my best mate from NYC. Actually, I get to hang out at his place since he’s a cosplay model and one of my models for my LGBT crime series. Plus, he’s one of the first few friends I made in my first NYCC back in 2011…or was it 2010. And friendships like that are a dime a dozen.

Finally, I got done with the outlines of the forty-five short stories meaning that I can make an approximation of pages and minutes before the month ends. Then, I can finally get back to my friend’s TRPG project and it’s lores. Plus, I want to be able to get back to my crime series to begin its outline.

Speaking of the Audible project, I did not realize how many people want to buff up their acting/voice acting resume in my city, alone. Not only that, but I didn’t realize that so many people want to translate my work before I even asked them. I never even thought about it until this point. Of course, I said “Yes!” because they’re my friends and this project was meant more for them than for me. Even my best friend wants to take the reign of this project while I’m oversea and teaching. That’s going to be a task and a half but we’re going to work it out. Along with that, I got a full-time editor for this project so I think I’m good for this project. Just have to create a budget sheet for it all. Well…a budget and project sheet for it all. A very VERY writing regimen must be practiced and kept in order for this project to go off without a hitch.

Truth be told, I think I can get both of them done by the end of next month…But! For now…NYCC!!!!

Now, please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2019.

Also, buy our newly released book, Not Afraid of Dick: A Sitdown with Dante Drackis, which is out now on Amazon and Kindle.

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