Home Life Done With That Chaos

Done With That Chaos

by dimensionaltales

Today is a good day for many reasons. I just finished my last paper for my Literary Theory and now I can return to my actual writing (I was only doing about 25%).  I will admit that this class was something fierce and gave me a newfound respect for literary theorists. I mean, the amount of analytical thinking involved with this type of narrative nonfiction is quite something. It’s something else entirely and I know hands-down that I’m not going anywhere near it after I finish this class.

Along with that, my students are almost done with school. I say my students are almost finished because I still have to work for two more weeks because of summer school.  That doesn’t bother me, though; it’s easy money and I get to work on school and my literary project.

Oh! And, since it’s the summer holiday, I decided to double up on my classes. Usually, I take one class a semester so I don’t overwhelm myself. But, since I don’t have school during the summer, I decided to take two classes this semester. I know…I’m such a rebel. Ha ha ha! Now, I am going to be in Spain for two weeks but I’m taking my laptop with me so I can do my schoolwork. Either that, I do all the work two weeks ahead of time so the only thing I will have to do is turn it in.

Finally, I can breathe. This class took a lot out of me. I do have one more paper to write, but it is a really short one and I can get that done on Monday. I’m just happy that this class is effectively over. I don’t know if I’m going to maintain my Honor Roll streak (an A is definitely out of the question, I think). Now, it’s time for me to press forward to my next class and – hopefully – get my mojo back.

Please don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (TwitterFacebookInstagram, and Goodreads) on my web page’s right side. Also, I love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2023. I aim to read 200 books this year and am currently 99. I’m starting to read through The Walking Dead comic book series and I want to do the same with Magic The Gathering.

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