Home Life Back in the Sunshine State

Back in the Sunshine State

by dimensionaltales

I’M BACK IN FLORIDA AND IT FEELS SO GOOD!!! Okay, I know I’m sounding too excited about such a thing, but you must understand the circumstances around this marvelous trip.

See, I use to live in Florida with my mother and little brother before moving to Philadelphia to live with my grandmother. So, to be back in The Sunshine State, especially for a convention (Holiday Matsuri) so marvelous, is a dream come true for me. Granted, I am here for work but I’m treating more like a vacation. The weather was exactly like I remember, and it was a welcoming change to the bitter cold that’s waiting for me back in Ohio.

However, I’m not too happy with the upcoming drama that might loom over my vacation. I’m going to get into because I don’t want to jinx it. Let’s just say that a former employee doesn’t know how to let go and keep it at that. It’s remarkably astonishing about much easier it is for people to hold on to a grudge; maybe it’s because, without it, we would be forced to deal with our real issues.

Anyway, I officially got a chance to actually enjoy my vacation after completing the rough draft of “A Night Among Angels”. That way I can focus on work/fun at Holiday Matsuri without being behind schedule in my book. FYI, it’s going to bit slow and it’s worrying me a bit because of my first time – in a long time – experiencing a writer’s block that strong.

Finally, much like Anime Nebrakon and Grand Rapid Comic Con, I will be working the Pennings brother on promoting their spectacular game: MageQuit. As I stated a few weeks ago, the information about their game – as well as the link – below:


“MageQuit is a wizard-brawling arena game where up to 10 players use spells and physics to do battle. As a wizard, you are granted a staff with a glowing D20, giving you unique elemental abilities. With every kill, your neckbeard and fame grow. Will you end up as Merlin, or be forever cursed with peach fuzz?”

The game is only available for Steam, right now, but it will be released for console later on in its development period. They told me that the game is still, technically, not done.

Now, I’m going to continue my fun in the sun before the day is done.

Please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms which are listed below:

Twitter: @DimensionAuthor

Instagram: @jpyfrom

https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17126055.Justin_Pyfrom (GoodRead Page) (Go there if you have any questions for me to answer)

P.S. The links to my social media is also at the bottom right side of the page, as well.


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