Home Life A Wicked Wicked Case of Déjà Vu

A Wicked Wicked Case of Déjà Vu

by dimensionaltales

I was avoiding the notion of posting until I got more information. Now, I know for sure and, dammit, I’m beyond pissed. Not for me, for my students. They are the ones who are going to hurt the most from this. I mean…this is a boarding school, after all. Oh, right. I need to tell you what’s happening. We’re going through another lockdown.

That’s right. I will be going through another lockdown. Long story short, the city that I’m in (Nanchang) has had an alarming spike of COVID cases and decided to institute an emergency lockdown. Say what you want about China but, when all this occurred for the first time, they were one of the first countries to handle their business. Granted they were the first countries to ignore the warning signs, but…you know…semantics.

Anyway, I have to spend today at the school with my remaining students to create a week worth of lessons. Plus, it’s a chance for me to see who will be stuck at the school and will be stuck at home.

Why? Well, because I have to see who will have assistance during our online classes. Yep! I’m reverting to 2020 (my first year in China) where I was forced to subject babies to looking at a screen for an uncomfortable amount of time. At least, the students are older and have a slightly better attention span. It’s not going to be too bad by the time around as my students are more than aware of me and my style of teaching. I just need to make sure that I keep myself busy throughout the day or I will lose my mind.

See, last time, I had my Short Story Project which occupied a lot of my attention. Now, I do have a small project and a book series to outline. So, I pray that it will be enough while all of this is getting sorted out. That’s all I can do that this point.

Now, please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (TwitterFacebookInstagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2022. My goal is to read 180 books this year and I’m already at 46. I think I have a better idea of how I’m going to go about reviewing all these books.

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