Home Life God Opens A Window After Closing A Door

God Opens A Window After Closing A Door

by dimensionaltales

This is the week I will never forget. It is a week that will live on in the back of my mind as I continue to walk the path I was placed. You want to know the crazy thing about all of this: I was completely blind sighted by it all and I chose to take the high road. Oh, right, you still don’t know what happened to me, do you? I was rejected from a job because of my location.

Let me explain, Monday, I recently aced an interview with Verizon mobile. I went with a carrier service job because they make base plus commission plus bonus so, if I do my job, I can rack up a significant amount of cash in a short time. Plus, the job is transferable to San Francisco when I’m ready to move back there. Now, the job is a bit of distance from me but I was okay with that since I knew the route. I went in for my first day and did everything I was supposed to and was given high marks from the store manager.

However, when it comes down to it, the assistant manager called me and said that they were going in a different direction and will not proceed with my employment. When I asked for an explanation, citing it as a learning opportunity, they gave me the coldest explanation ever: “We would like to have someone more local.” So, after proving that I could get to work early and do the job to rave satisfaction, my location is still a worry for them.

I told my elder cousin (who I’m living with) and he informed me that what they did was technically illegal but not worth the attention. He cited one of my favorite “go-to” motto: “God has a reason for everything that happens in life.” On cue, my phone rings and it’s T-Mobile (in Philadelphia) who wants to interview for a position. And, it’s right over the bridge so location isn’t really an issue. See, when God closes a door, he opens a window. Haha! I love that quote.

Also, this week, I was clocking in overtime with my best mate’s gaming project as I can’t proceed with the scriptwriting until one of the key game mechanics is written out. (And, no, I still can’t talk about it until we’re done with the GDD and have a demo). You know…I think being under contract is more a benefit than a nuisance. See, lying isn’t my forte but I do know how to cleverly tell the truth.

Right now, I have to come on with so many storylines for so many quests after I get done with my ever-shifting primary task. Why is it ever-shifting? Because, I’m also the game designer for this project (thank you, brilliant mind and DeVry) and we all have wonderful ideas that will work for this game. Luckily, I’m almost done…just have to type everything up and share it with him. You know…after I celebrate my friend’s birthday and complete my interview with T-Mobile. Today is going to be a day of fun and relaxation.

Speaking of which, I better get ready for the celebration. Please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2018.

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