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Learn About The Deadly Game Everybody Is Playing

by dimensionaltales

Game of Thrones Psychology: The Mind is Dark and Full of Terrors by Travis Langley

2013 was a year I will never forget anytime soon. I got to go to Chicago to help out at Wizard World. That, alone, was fantastic but a convention is just another convention and doesn’t interest me. People. That’s why I go to these events. I like meeting with people that are not celebrities. Get to know them. Understand them. Harmonize with them. And that’s where I met the coolest psychologist ever.

After a brief conversation with that cool psychologist, I bought Travis Langley’s FIRST book. Within a week after finishing that book, I became a fan and a supporter. Now…I’ve read a small chunk of his books including my most recent: Game of Thrones Psychology.

Let me start off by saying that Travis Langley isn’t your typical psychologist. Though wielding a Ph.D. in Psychology, he’s a nerd through and through and applies that to pop culture. This time around he focused his attention on the hit HBO show, Game of Thrones. And, with that, he takes the readers on the wild ride of the psyche of every nook and cranny that encompass that marvelous show.

Now, every book that has written at this point has followed a similar, yet effective, formula. After breaking the topic down into various points and topics, Travis collaborates with other like-minded individuals (psychologist and such) who was specialist in that given topic of their choice. This is important because of what I’ve been told about psychology: “Psychology is a subject that works better among groups.”

I can’t say enough good things about this book or this series. Each chapter explored a small section of Game of Thrones and made it relatable to the reader. From the psyche of psychopaths to the role of feminist in Westeros, every topic was explored and laid out for future decision.

Three books down, six to go with two more books on the horizon. You have to check out this series. Personally, I would also suggest checking Travis out at one of the panels if he’s coming to a convention near you. Trust me…you won’t regret it.

Grade: A

If you want to purchase the book, you can do so at this link: https://goo.gl/qMuaRJ

And, if you want to view the author’s page(s), they are listed as followed:



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[…] you get the chance, get this book and his many others. I did a review about another one of his books last year as well as two more for this year. Right now, he’s at ten books with two more planned […]


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