Home Gaming A Videogame Full of Cuteness

A Videogame Full of Cuteness

by dimensionaltales

Name: The Lego Movie Videogame

Platform: Varies (Played it on the PlayStation TV)

Style: Action/Adventure

Publisher(s): Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Developer(s): TT Fusion

Release Date: February 7, 2014

Date of Completion: February 18, 2018

The Lego franchise has always been adorable and quirky in appearance. It can take a serious series like Harry Potter and make it so cute and special. And this game has got to be the cutest of them all…at least, from what I’ve played so far.

Normally, when I buy a Lego game it’s for my little cousins. This time around, I decided to buy the game for myself to see why my cousin loves it so much. This makes The Lego Movie Videogame the first Lego video game I’ve ever played of the franchise and, I have to say, I’m impressed.

Based on the movie of the same name, The Lego Movie Videogame follows the movie’s storyline to the letter and goes a great job of transition the story from film to game. I mean, seriously, the game plays out JUST like the movie but with the player acting out the fight scene. It’s really cute and action-packed but geared towards kids which probably explained why I wasn’t too invested in this game.

Don’t get me wrong, the game was great. You got to swap out among various characters from the movie along with a few others, each with their own ability that will allow you to revisit completed levels and thus increasing its replay value. Something like that gets points with me. So, what was wrong with the game?

Nothing…outside of personal taste. The game doesn’t hold my heart; there’s nothing memorable about it. It’s cute but cute for kids, not cute for me.

Even still, I will give it a 9 out of 10 because it was still a great game with a hilarious ensemble cast of characters with easy to comprehend gameplay.

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