Home Gaming E3 Sony 2018 Press Conference

E3 Sony 2018 Press Conference

by dimensionaltales

I own a PlayStation 4 so you can imagine how pumped I was for his press conference. But, unfortunately, I was having a flashback to the awful EA Press Conference. I mean, the game line-up was great but the presentation was an absolute mess.

Not only did the audience have to move to a different location after the first trailer (more on that later) but they had to deal with the unusual performances of two instrument players. Yeah. Not one, but two. Worst yet, we had to deal with an actual intermission as the crowd was being moved and, again, after the reveal of the last trailer (again, more on that later). Yeah, this was a massive blunder. Now, that’s not to say that the games weren’t good. Quite the contrary, actually.

The Last of Us Part II was the first one to be shown and it was beautifully done. The details in the environment were breathtaking and Naughty Dog (big fan of their work) showed us that everything was usable and intractable.

Moving things along, Sony showed off the gameplay of Ghost of Tsushima which seems to be a nice IP and, again, breathtaking graphics that takes advantage of the Japanese landscapes and culture. I haven’t got to play as a Samurai in a very long time so I’m ready to see how this game pan out.

Control’s gameplay was brief but it made quite an impact. Psionic powers with a type of visual I haven’t seen in a while. The same goes for Trover Saves the Universe. But, the voices of the latter are familiar; can you say, Rick and Morty? Makes sense, too. The humor is the same and the creators are leading the project so you can imagine the fandom for this game.

Resident Evil 2 is getting another remake but this time…it’s the WHOLE shebang. EVERYTHING is getting updated and I can’t wait to play that game, again. Even better, Kingdom Heart III popped up, again, but with more worlds to be shown and more gameplay footage to marvel at. As an added bonus, all the complications we have been graced with for the last three years or so (1.5 Remix, 2.5 Remix, 2.8 Remix) is going to be set to one package. Oh yeah, I’m definitely getting that.

Speaking of Marvel, finally got to see some footage of Marvel’s Spiderman and functions like the Arkham series. Not a bad thing because it looks fantastic. I think Marvel will have nothing to worry about in the video game department when it comes down to Spiderman and the Avengers. And I know my brother is going to bumrush a lot of people to get the game, so I might as well put a pin in the calendar for it. Might even play it myself.

Finally, Hideo Kojima keeps his promise and showed the world more of his next big project, Death Stranding. I have to admire what he does for a living. He’s practically a showrunner, director, and writer of the video game world – much like Todd Howard. He knows how to give a lot without giving anything. Makes you ask more questions after each trailer. So, yeah, I’m definitely interested in this game.

As I said, much like EA, Sony’s Press Conference was a mess, but it got a better reception than EA. So, I’ll give it a 70 out of 100.

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