Home Books Don’t Ask…But Do Tell

Don’t Ask…But Do Tell

by dimensionaltales

For Him (For Him, #1) by Chad Lane

Okay, so as I stated before, the romance genre is something I’m still researching and adjusting to. At this point, I’m actually digging it so far. Still not exactly my cup of tea BUT I can see why so many readers immerse themselves in the genre. And, like I explained before, the only way I’ll read a romance novel is if it’s LGBT since my next series will be of the same variety.

Now, that being said, Chad Lane is another LGBT romance author that I’ve come across on my studies. He has a knack for combining romance and LGBT with some of the most masculine environmental situations. In this case, he placed For Him, a three-part book series, in the taboo topic of the military.

The main character is Jake Turner, a supposed straight man who enlisted in the military, and, obviously, later finds out that he’s leaning more to the right of the Kinsey scale. Without giving away too much of the storyline, I’m going to say that Lane has clearly done his research about military training which I respect. I always say that much of the writing process revolves around researching.

Another thing is that every book of his I’ve read (two right now but I imagine it’ll be more) is that there’s always one character that represents what we face in our community. In this book, the negative force is pointed out rather quickly and – yes – some poetic justice is dished out in the end.

The only thing that threw me off was the love scenes. See, when I read Time to Upsize, I was greeted with much love. Just intense imagery from the main character and saucy flirting from other characters. This time around, Lane put it out there and wasn’t shy about it. It was an interesting step forward for me and, honestly, I rather enjoyed it. I mean…I can do without it, but I know it’s an integral part of the romance.

Even still, the book is brilliant, and I will continue reading the series. I strongly recommend this series to my LGBT community – both residents and supporters.

Grade: A-

If you want to purchase the book, you can do so at this link: https://goo.gl/4MEEr8

And, if you want to view the author’s page(s), they are listed as followed:



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