Home Books Another Refresher Course…Or So I Thought…

Another Refresher Course…Or So I Thought…

by dimensionaltales

Kindle Self Publishing for Beginners by James Moore

(Disclaimer: this will be a short review)

I reeeeaaaally wished I had this book in 2017. Would have been better prepared with some of the important pieces of information that this book provided for me. I mean, seriously, this book was godsent.

Don’t let the title fool you, either. It doesn’t just cover publishing books for the Kindle. The book showed readers, or aspiring writers, how to publish audiobooks for Audible. It even took the reign of how to properly set up the book for publications as well as marketing and promoting. There are too many lessons to list here and most of them are essentially common sense.

The big thing to point out is that this book provided links and suggestions on how to design book covers, set up accounts with Kindle/Amazon Publishing Company and many MANY other topics. For example, they suggest creating a Fiverr account when looking for a graphic designer for your book cover.  Then, it teaches the reader how to find the right narrator for your audiobooks. Yeah, it’s a bit more intricate than one would lead you to believe. Again, there are just way too many things to list.

I’m giving this book an A because of that reason.

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