Home Behind The Pen A Turn To The Past

A Turn To The Past

by dimensionaltales

Feminism…is not ‘women as victims’ but women refusing to be victims.”
― Gloria Steinem, The Trouble With Rich Women

The duality of feminism

What if I could seek justice against my cousin for his torment towards me?

I was having way too much fun with creating Maya, the focal character behind “A Woman’s Worth“,  that I decided to create a prequel of sorts for her character. Nothing too big as I wanted to save the rest for the series that I have planned for her. It’s interesting because I originally wanted a new character for the story and run with that. But when Natasha, a friend of mine, read the story she saw that the two characters had a lot of things in common aside from the fact that they are powerful women.

Both of them had to deal with the arrogance of youth. One had to deal with a woman and another one had to deal with a man.  Both of them were lawyers who wanted to make progressive change in the world and to make sure that it sticks. So, I was given the idea to make the two women the same person which I give her all the credit for. She was also one of the many who keep pushing me to write while stressing the fact that I need to remember to take a break.

Anyway, changing two characters to one was pretty easy because it allowed me to link events together and left a decent amount of wiggle room to flesh out her timeline. Her personality was already there and the fact that was going back in time had allowed me to show when the shift began.  This story  – right here – was the one that showed me that I could create a series after of that character. Natasha wants to know when I’m going to get started on the series but she knows that I like to work on one series at a time. I’m working on two series as we speak so it’s going to be a while.

Now, for the story itself, it was done before the changes were made. I didn’t have to think hard for a villain towards a lawyer but I did get a little creative with it. I just drew inspiration from my small collection of cousins that never liked seeing me happy and created a new villain that needed to be knocked down a peg. It was kind of a soothing fantasy for me because realistically you can’t knock a narcissist down a peg – only time and circumstances. But I figured I could still write about it. It’s fun.

Finally, I knew that I wanted to have my friend, Levana, model for this cover, too, and she was more than happy to do so. We had to go shopping for the clothes for this cover as well as the previous cover and we had a ball. She was a runway model while trying on the clothes. It was a monumentally beautiful day of shopping and prep for the shoots. No matter what I want Levana to voice the series. I don’t know how I want the series is going to work but I want her to voice it. Hopefully, you all like the character and the story. And, with that, I hope you enjoy the story.

You can buy the book on Amazon. The link is here.

You can also learn about it on Goodreads. The link for it is here.

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