Home Behind The Pen A Prequel of Sorts

A Prequel of Sorts

by dimensionaltales

“I’ve learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you’ll miss them when they’re gone from your life.”
― Maya Angelou

What if you had the power to bring your loved ones from the brink of death?

What I’ll Do For Family is something special to me for many reasons, namely three. The first reason is that it was the first fantasy idea that I had for this project which led me to spread my wings and try out different genres. Secondly, it was the first short story that I wrote about that had a Latin character. Interestingly enough, I opted to release it last because of a funny little story. Finally, and more importantly, it led me to the life-changing decision of going back to school for my MFA.

Anyway, going into the story, I wanted to tell a story that was more of a taste of things to come. This was the first story that gave me the idea of creating an additional series. Moreover, it gave me the idea of creating a fantasy series to have under my belt and, because of that,  I had to lay out a decent amount of foundation for the main character and his immediate family. It became a delightful snowball effect on my spare time between writing and teaching.


Well, I took every opportunity to read books on magic and witchcraft. Even though I don’t believe in magic, I couldn’t stop myself due to the research I was gathering. I was consuming information about every corner of the realm of magic. The system. The history. The Occult. The type of magic from varying countries and its purpose to its culture and society. It was too much fun for me to learn about the history and, because of my reading, I was gaining a better understanding as to why it was still practiced today. It also helped that I have a few friends who are witches so I was able to talk to them.

And, because of all this reading and researching, I was able to write the story in about a day. Even better, I still wanted to read more about witches and witchcraft. The subject has been quite spell-bounding (pun intended) and I’m really enjoying myself. I can’t wait to get started on writing that series. And, with that, I hope you enjoy the story.

You can buy the book on Amazon. The link is here.

You can also learn about it on Goodreads. The link for it is here.

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