Home Books A Streetcar Named Desire

A Streetcar Named Desire

by dimensionaltales

American Legends (Marlon Brando) by Charles River Editors

(Disclaimer: this will be a short review)

This came across this series through GoodRead as it was recommended to me. It was a good thing, too. Because Marlon Brando is a great actor and I was intrigued to learn about his story. Apparently, he had quite the history to his name.

My favorite movie of his is A Streetcar Named Desire and his performance as Stanley Kowalski was marvelous. And this book basically gave the readers the full(ish) biography of the famed actor and how he got started in the industry – from life to death. It even talked about the trial of his son, Christian Devi Brando. I enjoyed sitting down with a cup of coffee to listen to the life of a famed actor.

Interesting enough, he was one of the few actors that perfected the art of method acting. I’m not too big on that particular form but, you have to admit, its yield. Plus, his dedication to the art is something to marvel at.

What’s also great to learn about was his psych through it all. He has openly discussed how he was feeling like that he wasn’t enjoying his art and he wanted to take a break. But, then, he managed to find a role that gave new breath of life in his artistic life. That’s something I can admire because he’s explaining the reality of the industry.

47 pages. The life of a great actor down to 47 pages. Still pretty good, though. A solid B.

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