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This Is Going To Be So Much Fun!!!

by dimensionaltales

Philly Pride is coming and I can’t wait to finally be a part of it. See, in the past, I got to be apart of Columbus Pride and San Francisco but never my hometown Pride Parade. So, this is going to be my first Philly Pride and I’m SOOOO excited. No, I’m not going to wear any jockstraps or anything because that’s for home use. But there’s another reason why I’m excited…I mean really really excited!!!

For Pride, I get to run my first event for Toasted Walnut, the bar I do security for. My boss is pumped with the idea of having a viewing party of a particular show from one of my favorite showrunners. Of course, I have to be there for the event since I am, technically, running it. Yep! I am really pumped and can’t wait to see it come into success.

But, happiness and glee comes after annoyance and sneer. I had to witness my best mate being harassed by his straight colleagues because of his…well…sexuality. It’s really sad to hear that he couldn’t do much without drawing too much attention to himself. Apparently, we still have people who use our psychopathic President as a shield to project their unwavering hatred. Lucky for them, he’s not the hateful type and us talking about the ordeal was all that he needed. He couldn’t hold a grudge if his life depended on it. Me, on the other hand, I have a different outlook on the hateful members of the hetero community…a very very different outlook.

See, while I was on the bus, I took a look at a scene done by “Mama Pope” from Shonda Rhime’s Scandal. Well…it was more of a monologue regarding the struggles of a black woman. So, I took that same monologue and reworked it for a gay man. I wrote it out and gave it to him with the joke of telling it to his colleague. Actually, I probably shouldn’t have made that joke because he might do that. I mean…you tell me…would you say something like this to those miserable lots:

“Damn shame, I tell you…being a gay man. ‘Forgive them’ they say, ‘Learn from them, act like them, think like that. Well, damn, I gotta do all that? Ha! Who’s out here working for me, carrying my burden, building me up when I get down? Nobody.

Gay men out here trying to save everybody and what do we get? Beat down and cast aside by men with big egos and little peckers. Ain’t that a bitch, huh? But we still try. Try to help all y’all. Been when we get nothing. Is that boldness or stupidity.

Haha! You got me, honey. I mean me sitting here is pretty stupid when I could be helping but you don’t want my help. You want to do it all by yourself, Mr. Big Strong Straight Man. God forbid you to let a fairy like me help you out. Now, you don’t want that. Don’t let me put you on my back when you fall. Wipe the crust out of your eyes. Put a pep back in your step. Because, when you do, you resent us for making you better, smarter, stronger. Then, discard us so you take credit for all the hard work you force us to do.

And, yet, we still try. That’s why I’m here. Trying and saving and trying to save, like weeks, here I am. Boldness or stupidity? Honey, you tell me.”

Sexy, right. I do love villains who know how to make a point, don’t you?

Now, please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2019.

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